Our commitment to female leadership – Canal Prestosu de Caja Rural de Asturias
Our director of operations, Cristina Fernández Caldueño, has participated in an interview for Canal Prestosu of Caja Rural de Asturias within the framework of the agreement signed between the Federation of Businesswomen of Asturias (FEDA) and Caja Rural de Asturias.
Through this series of videos, the role of women in the Asturian business fabric is made visible.
With the aim of getting to know the women entrepreneurs and managers who are members of FEDA, they talk to them to give us their point of view on different aspects of their profession, their work sector and the role that women play in their daily work reality.
You can watch the full video at the following link: Our commitment to female #leadership: Cristina Fernández, Castroalonso project director