Quality Policy
Being at the forefront of corporate risk management for decades, has made Castroalonso a consulting company with a high innovative vocation, focused on people and oriented to digital law, digital ethics and digital trust (cybersecurity). Castroalonso has implemented a Quality System based on the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 Standard with the aim of meeting the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to the organization and anticipate the needs of our customers and stakeholders. In addition, we want to emphasize in this quality policy to the progress of our employees, their independence and ethical behavior, all supported by the principles of confidentiality and transparency.
We consider ourselves an agile, modern and competitive firm, aware of the digital and technological transformation we are living, that is why we strive to enable all stakeholders to coexist with our strategy.
Continuous improvement, responsibility of all the staff of the company, requires the participation and collaboration of our professionals, taking into account the management of knowledge and talent, their training, motivation, involvement and commitment to maintain a standard of excellence and innovation.
The quality manager will ensure that this policy is communicated to all people working in Castroalonso and its stakeholders, as well as its periodic review to adapt it to the regulations and the requirements of all those involved.
The entire organization, and especially its management, are committed to ensure the permanent confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of the information, as well as its processing systems and services, to determine and manage the risks of the organization in a proportional manner, to minimize them to acceptable levels and to provide all the resources that are necessary and within its reach to meet the objectives reflected in this document and in the organization’s strategy.