

Edificio Castroalonso

Parque Científico Tecnológico
33203 Gijón

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WITH chooses Asturias as the venue for its first meeting of 2025

On February 12, WITH will organize a #WITHtalks session in Gijón focused on reflecting on new leadership models and the growth opportunities they represent for companies.

On February 12, WITH will organize a #WITHtalks session in Gijón focused on reflecting on new leadership models and the growth opportunities they represent for companies.

WITH is an ecosystem of women leaders and companies whose objective is to promote new leadership models that are inclusive, authentic, connected and adapted to the current environment, also transcending the gender issue. WITH promotes this purpose through a methodology called Connect, think, do, inspired by open innovation.


16:00 – 16:15 Registration and welcome

16:15 – 18:00 Between Nosotr@s: we will start the afternoon with a dynamic presentation and connection between the attendees.

18:00 – 18:30 Networking Coffee

18:30 – 19:00 Keynote on New Leadership Models: Marisol Menéndez, founder and CEO of WITH, presents WITH in Asturias making us reflect on New Leadership Models.

19:30 – 20:00 Panel: The New Leadership Models: leaders from the Asturian business scene and the WITH network from all over Spain will share their experience and vision on the keys to the New Leadership Models.


Cristina Fernández Caldueño, Director of Operations at Castroalonso
Elena Gutiérrez Pérez del Notario, founder and CEO of Ananda
Maylin Vergara Reyes, president of Mujeres Migradas Emprendedoras
Gemma Cascales, CEO of SMH Marketing
Carlos Ranera, managing partner of the northern zone at ONTIER
Moderator: Marisol Menéndez, founder and CEO of WITH

20:00 – 21:00 Cocktail and networking

More information:

Data protection in the age of digital fragility and cyberattacks (Uniovi-Alfonso X-INCIBE)

On January 28, European Data Protection Day, the conference "Data protection in the era of digital fragility and cyberattacks" was held.

On January 28, European Data Protection Day, the conference "Data protection in the era of digital fragility and cyberattacks" was held.

Javier Crespo Suárez, consultant in Digital Law and Data Protection Officer of Castroalonso and Javier Fernández Teruelo, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Oviedo and President of the Conference of Deans of Law of Spain, participated in it.

The talk is part of the UnioviAlfonso XINCIBE Strategic Cybersecurity Project, led by Consuelo Martínez López, professor of Algebra at the University of Oviedo, and took place at the Club La Nueva España, located at C/ Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo, 7, Oviedo.

Full news:

Radio Líder interview (27/01/2025):

First day of the “Mathematics and Cybersecurity” workshops (Uniovi-Alfonso X-INCIBE)

This Monday was inaugurated the first day of the "Mathematics and Cybersecurity" workshops, taught at the IES Mata Jove and which in the coming months will reach 856 students from up to nine educational centers.

This Monday was inaugurated the first day of the "Mathematics and Cybersecurity" workshops, taught at the IES Mata Jove and which in the coming months will reach 856 students from up to nine educational centers.

Ángela Pumariega, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Economy, Employment, Tourism and Innovation, Santos González, Professor Emeritus and Director of the Chair of Cybersecurity at the University of Oviedo, Consuelo Martínez, Professor of Algebra, Cristina Caldueño, Director of Operations at Castroalonso and Carla Álvarez Sanjurjo, Director of Employment Promotion of the Gijón City Council, were present.

La Nueva España (digital):

El Comercio (digital):

La Nueva España (paper): La formación en ciberseguridad llega a los centros educativos

El Comercio (paper): Hay miles de empleos sin cubrir en el campo de la ciberseguridad

Data protection in the age of digital fragility and cyberattacks

This Tuesday, January 28, European Data Protection Day, the conference "Data protection in the age of digital fragility and cyberattacks" will be held.

This Tuesday, January 28, European Data Protection Day, the conference "Data protection in the age of digital fragility and cyberattacks" will be held.

Javier Crespo Suárez, consultant in Digital Law and Data Protection Officer of Castroalonso and Javier Fernández Teruelo, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Oviedo and President of the Conference of Deans of Law of Spain, will participate in it.

The talk is part of the Uniovi-Alfonso X-INCIBE Strategic Cybersecurity Project and will take place at the Club La Nueva España, located at C/ Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo, 7, Oviedo at 7:30 p.m.

More information:

The Smart City Cluster Asturias, accredited as an Innovative Business Group by the Ministry of Industry and Tourism

This recognition is a great boost for the organization and encourages it to continue working for innovation and development.

This recognition is a great boost for the organization and encourages it to continue working for innovation and development.

This achievement is the result of a year and a half of joint effort, with Castroalonso being part of this success as a partner of the Cluster.

This accreditation opens new doors, both in national and European calls, to consolidate itself as a benchmark cluster.

Full news:

AEI Clusters Portal:

Approved the draft Law on Cybersecurity Coordination and Governance

The regulation, proposed jointly by the Ministries of the Interior, Defence and Digital Transformation and the Civil Service, transposes Directive 2022/2555 of the European Parliament and of the Council (NIS-2) into national law.

The regulation, proposed jointly by the Ministries of the Interior, Defence and Digital Transformation and the Civil Service, transposes Directive 2022/2555 of the European Parliament and of the Council (NIS-2) into national law.

The draft specifies the public or private entities affected by the cybersecurity standards it establishes, and creates the National Cybersecurity Centre, which will be responsible for the management, promotion and coordination in the matter, will guarantee intersectoral and cross-border cooperation with other competent authorities and will be the crisis management authority in the event of major incidents.

Full news:

The delicate task of being parents (or older siblings) in the face of the digital challenge and how regulation could facilitate it

Miguel García-Menéndez, CEO at Castroalonso, participates in the magazine "Actualidad Jurídica Aranzadi (AJA)" with an article in which he talks about the regulation of the use of social networks by minors in Australia and how this legislation could facilitate the task of parents in the digital environment.

Miguel García-Menéndez, CEO at Castroalonso, participates in the magazine "Actualidad Jurídica Aranzadi (AJA)" with an article in which he talks about the regulation of the use of social networks by minors in Australia and how this legislation could facilitate the task of parents in the digital environment.

We encourage you to read the full article at: Revista AJA 1013-articulos

Our commitment to female leadership – Canal Prestosu de Caja Rural de Asturias

Our director of operations, Cristina Fernández Caldueño, has participated in an interview for Canal Prestosu of Caja Rural de Asturias within the framework of the agreement signed between the Federation of Businesswomen of Asturias (FEDA) and Caja Rural de Asturias.

Our director of operations, Cristina Fernández Caldueño, has participated in an interview for Canal Prestosu of Caja Rural de Asturias within the framework of the agreement signed between the Federation of Businesswomen of Asturias (FEDA) and Caja Rural de Asturias.

Through this series of videos, the role of women in the Asturian business fabric is made visible.

With the aim of getting to know the women entrepreneurs and managers who are members of FEDA, they talk to them to give us their point of view on different aspects of their profession, their work sector and the role that women play in their daily work reality.

You can watch the full video at the following link: Our commitment to female #leadership: Cristina Fernández, Castroalonso project director

XX Gijón Impulsa Awards

Yesterday we attended the Gijón Impulsa Awards Ceremony, an event that took place at "LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial".

Yesterday we attended the Gijón Impulsa Awards Ceremony, an event that took place at "LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial".

These awards recognize the entrepreneurial effort and talent of the city’s business network.

Inaugural session of the INCIBE-UAX Cybersecurity and Post-Quantum Cryptography Classroom

Yesterday we attended the inaugural session of the INCIBE-UAX Cybersecurity and Post-Quantum Cryptography Classroom, which was led by José Luis Escrivá, Governor of the Bank of Spain, who during his time as Minister for Digital Transformation promoted the Cybersecurity Law.

Yesterday we attended the inaugural session of the INCIBE-UAX Cybersecurity and Post-Quantum Cryptography Classroom, which was led by José Luis Escrivá, Governor of the Bank of Spain, who during his time as Minister for Digital Transformation promoted the Cybersecurity Law.

Also present were Luis Hidalgo (Head of Cybersecurity Talent at INCIBE), Santos González (Director of the INCIBE-UAX Cybersecurity and Post-Quantum Cryptography Classroom) and Isabel Fernández (Rector of the Alfonso X el Sabio University).

Full story:

Ciberseguridad al Descubierto 2024

After the VI Edition of Ciberseguridad al Descubierto, we would like to extend our thanks to all the people involved in the event, as well as the media for their coverage of the day.

After the VI Edition of Ciberseguridad al Descubierto, we would like to extend our thanks to all the people involved in the event, as well as the media for their coverage of the day.

Thanks to:

See you in the next edition!

Ciberseguridad al Descubierto 2024

Next Thursday, December 12, at the "Escuela Superior de la Marina Civil de Gijón", will take place the VI Edition of "Ciberseguridad al Descubierto", a key initiative to increase awareness of cybersecurity, providing essential training and promoting a cultural change in various industries.

Next Thursday, December 12, at the "Escuela Superior de la Marina Civil de Gijón", will take place the VI Edition of "Ciberseguridad al Descubierto", a key initiative to increase awareness of cybersecurity, providing essential training and promoting a cultural change in various industries.

This year, the event will focus on the maritime and naval sector, a critical area facing increasingly sophisticated cyber threats.

Organized by the “Asociación Arco Atlántico de Ciberseguridad y Entorno Digital” and Castroalonso.

You can register on the website until Wednesday, December 11 at 5:00 p.m.:

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