First day of the “Mathematics and Cybersecurity” workshops (Uniovi-Alfonso X-INCIBE)
This Monday was inaugurated the first day of the "Mathematics and Cybersecurity" workshops, taught at the IES Mata Jove and which in the coming months will reach 856 students from up to nine educational centers.
Ángela Pumariega, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Economy, Employment, Tourism and Innovation, Santos González, Professor Emeritus and Director of the Chair of Cybersecurity at the University of Oviedo, Consuelo Martínez, Professor of Algebra, Cristina Caldueño, Director of Operations at Castroalonso and Carla Álvarez Sanjurjo, Director of Employment Promotion of the Gijón City Council, were present.
La Nueva España (digital):
El Comercio (digital):
La Nueva España (paper): La formación en ciberseguridad llega a los centros educativos
El Comercio (paper): Hay miles de empleos sin cubrir en el campo de la ciberseguridad