Face Up Project presentation day
On June 18 at 12:00 p.m., the conference "Face Up Project. Proposals for the 21st century with roots in the 19th century. From benefits policies to social impact", which will be the public presentation of the Face Up project (Factory Cities of Europe: United in Partnership). The meeting will take place at the Asturias Railway Museum.
The aim of the project is to create a network of European cities that explore their historical-industrial heritage together. The purpose is to raise public awareness and contribute to the debate on the future of Europe.
The presentation will be attended by the following companies as protagonists: Guppy, Bluco, Mar de Niebla, EProgram, i-Lanza, Panduru, Colegio San Lorenzo, Castroalonso, Acuña y Fombona, Caja Rural de Gijón, Alimerka and Real Grupo Cultural Covadonga.
Full article and registration form: ASATA | Gijón acoge la jornada de presentación del proyecto europeo “Face Up” donde se compartirán buenas prácticas empresariales