Ciberseguridad al Descubierto 2024
After the VI Edition of Ciberseguridad al Descubierto, we would like to extend our thanks to all the people involved in the event, as well as the media for their coverage of the day.
Thanks to:
- Asociación Arco Atlántico de Ciberseguridad y Entorno Digital, Gijón Impulsa, Escuela Superior de la Marina Civil de Gijón, Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad (INCIBE) and Mando Conjunto del Ciberespacio (MCCE), for their support and collaboration.
- Event participants:
- Alicia Suárez Hulton
- Jesús Feliz
- Jorge González-Palacios
- Gerardo Blanco
- Miguel García-Menéndez
- Enrique Pérez de Tena
- Javier Crespo
- Hernán Javier del Frade
- Beatriz García
- Candelaria Pereira
- Julián Camús
- Nicanor García
- Carolina Díaz
- Susana Pascual
- Pablo Campos-Ansó
- Ignacio Franganillo
- Santos González
- Rubén González
- Santiago Fernández
- The media:
- Panorama Regional 2 – RTVE (09:14):
- TPA Noticias:,-el-que-mueve-el-90-del-comercio-internacional_111734011775.html
- La radio es mía en RPA:
- El Comercio:
See you in the next edition!