Data Spaces
Next Monday, March 18, at 6:00 p.m., La Nueva España celebrates the event "Data Spaces". The event will take place at the Asturian Press Club - La Nueva España.
5:30 p.m. Guest reception
6:00 p.m. Welcome by La Nueva España
6:03 p.m. Presentation of the conference by Pablo Coca, general director of CTIC Technology Center
6:10 p.m. Data Spaces: Challenges and Opportunities. Presentation by Nuria de Lama, Director of Consulting at IDC (International Data Corporation)
6:30 p.m. Use cases and opportunities for national and European funding.
Chus García, Director of Data Economics at CTIC
Irene López de Vallejo, PhD, Head of the European Projects Office at CTIC
6:55 p.m. Round table: Practical experiences in different sectors
Rubén Pérez Sobrino, Business Director of Seresco.
Pedro Álvarez, CEO of TESIS Medical Solutions.
José Manuel Alonso, expert in Open Data & Open Web at CTIC.
Nuria de Lama, Director of Consulting at IDC (International Data Corporation)
Moderator: La Nueva España
7:25 p.m. Conclusions and farewell to the day
7:30 p.m. End of the event and Spanish wine