Asturias facing the digital challenge
Today, March 14, at 6:00 p.m., La Nueva España celebrates the event "Asturias facing the digital challenge". The event will take place at the Asturian Press Club - La Nueva España.
6:00 p.m. Welcome and presentation of the event
6:05 p.m. Speech by Pablo Tuñón, Head of Digital Strategy at La Nueva España
6:10 p.m. Presentation by Víctor García, former vice-rector of the University of Oviedo, Telecommunications Engineer
and one of the pioneers of the Internet in Asturias
6:20 p.m. Talk-colloquium: Digital transformation, reality and future
David González, Director General of the Sekuens Agency
María Calvo, president of FADE
Pablo Coca, General Director of the CTIC
7:00 p.m. Speech by David Guardado, product manager of the Content and Products Department of Prensa Ibérica
7:10 p.m. Talk-colloquium: Transformative experiences in key sectors in Asturias
Caja Rural de Asturias
Enrique Méndez, specialist in B2B Digital Transformation at Telecable
Alejandro Blanco, Director of Communication and Institutional Relations at Seresco
7:50 p.m. End of the event. Spanish Wine